Dear Friends, Family, and Clients:

California and the rest of the world are all united in fighting a common enemy – the Covid-19 pandemic. Many consumers who have ongoing lemon law claims or who are thinking about filing a lemon law claim may have their hands full with questions about meeting their basic daily needs and what to do to protect themselves and their families. For those with unreliable lemons, these fears are compounded by not having access to safe and dependable transportation.

With respect to the state of California and federal courts, it is fair to say that most if not all courts are on lock down until at least the middle of April. All civil trials are continued at least thirty days. This means that the already slow lemon law process will take a few months longer. But this doesn’t mean Lemon Law Aid is not working on protecting its clients and protecting consumers. Lemon Law Aid staff is mostly working from home and telecommuting. But a few of us are in the office as needed to receive and send mail and file time-sensitive documents, and our phones and e-mail are all working. And some arbitrations and hearings will still go forward but on a telephonic basic. Most importantly, we continue to work to resolve active cases, to finalize the settlements of cases that have recently settled, and to evaluate new claims. Importantly, with respect to active cases we continue to press forward with the discovery or information exchange process, meaning active claims continue to be pushed forward.

If you have a pending lemon law claim don’t worry too much about it now but know that things will return to normal eventually, hopefully sometime in April, if we all do our part and follow California’s Safer At Home guidelines. If you or a friend or family member think your car might be a lemon and are curious about whether or not now is a good time to initiate a lemon law claim, funny enough it is. Things will be backlogged once we eventually return to normal, and having your potential claim evaluated and potentially started now will go a long way towards getting toward the front of the line when normalcy returns. In addition, lemon law settlements for defective vehicles can be an important financial backstop in these uncertain times. We know many of our current clients have been greatly assisted by receiving their lemon law settlements during these turbulent times.

If you or a friend or family member thinks your car might be a lemon, or have questions about a pending claim, do not hesitate to contact us with a phone call or e-mail. All voicemails and e-mails will be returned quickly. In the meantime, stay safe, wash your hands, and maintain safe social distancing. We at Lemon Law Aid are doing our part to help California consumers, and we look forward to meeting the challenges that face us and returning to normal in the near future.


Joe Kaufman

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