In an effort to prevent used and irreparable motor vehicles from being resold to purchasers without any notice, California created a series of laws to protect you as a consumer. As a consumer, YOU are entitled to a car that conforms to the express warranties provided at the time of sale. If a manufacturer or its authorized dealer fails to service or repair your vehicle to conform to the warranties in a reasonable number of attempts, then the manufacturer MUST either promptly repurchase or replace the vehicle. Under the applicable California law you are entitled to ask for either a replacement motor vehicle that is substantially identical to the one being replaced OR restitution in an amount equal to the actual price paid by the buyer minus certain offsets. Remember, these laws are designed to protect YOU as a consumer.
If a manufacturer or dealer fails to repair your vehicle in a reasonable number of attempts, California lemon law is there to protect you. MOST IMPORTANTLY, the legal fees incurred by any successful lemon law-suit are paid for by the manufacturer or dealer. These laws were enacted with you the consumer in mind, and are there to help you acquire a quality vehicle like you had intended to purchase.
If you own a car and are experiencing issues which have not been fixed in a reasonable number of attempts, Lemon Law Aid can help you file a lemon claim to get your vehicle repurchased or replaced.
For more information and a free consultation, fill out the form below.
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