General Motors was recently hit with a class action lawsuit over defects in 2017 – 2018 GMC Acadia vehicles. The defective GMC Acadia vehicles sometimes display a “shift to park” message on the instrument panel even though the vehicles are in park, and drivers are “forced to resort to all sort of gimmicks” to get the vehicles to detect that the shift lever is in park. Needless to say, being unable to put your GMC Acadia into park is a serious safety defect. California’s lemon law requires that warranted safety defects must be repaired in as few as two repair attempts, and if unable to do so then the car company must repurchase that unsafe vehicle.
GM has issued several Technical Service Bulletins purporting to correct the shifter defect, but many GMC Acadia owners are forced to take their Acadia back to the shop over and over again before the TSB will be performed. In California if your Acadia has been taken to a GM dealer for repair of this defect on as few as two occasions you may qualify for a lemon law buyback. If you own or lease a GMC Acadia with a shifter defect, please contact us for a free case evaluation.
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