California’s lemon law has protected millions of consumers since its inception. Anecdotally if you purchase ten vehicles over the course of your lifetime it is likely that one or two of them may have mechanical defects that qualify them as lemons under California’s lemon law, so it is good to know that if you do encounter a problem with your vehicle California’s lemon law is there to protect you when that happens. And with approximately one million vehicle sales in California each year, at times it can seem like there are too many lemon lawsuits and lemon law attorneys. But California’s lemon law has effectively protected millions of consumers, active duty U.S. Military Servicemembers and their families, and countless small businesses and entrepreneurs. California’s lemon law is also directly responsible for improvements in automotive safety and emissions over the years, and its regulatory framework is responsible for thousands of jobs, including automotive technicians and union members alike.
With the success of California’s lemon law and its many benefits to the lives of Californians and our economy, the automotive industry has seemingly decided enough is enough and has decided it is tired of being held accountable for producing dangerous and unreliable new cars. The automotive industry has decided to pool its vast resources and donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to support ballot initiatives in 2022 that attack consumer protection laws and consumer protection attorneys alike, including California’s lemon law. Overnight it seems that California’s lemon law has become enemy number one in the eyes of the tort reformer crowd, and the auto industry appears set on making its distaste of the lemon law into a ballot initiative in 2022.
Please be aware of and know that the attacks on California consumers are being funded by the likes of Ford, GM, Hyundai and VW, who want California consumers to be less protected and have less recourse if a dangerous lemon causes harm. Consider donating or following Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety, CARS, as it spearheads a response to the auto industry funded attacks on California’s lemon law. A great place to start is to review CARS’ website and let your state and federal representatives know that you oppose any attack on California’s lemon law. Thank you for continued support as we continue to fight the good fight and protect California consumers.
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